The Independent Variable - Matt Haugland

Saturday, June 03, 2006

The "B" word

"Billions." According to a leader in the meteorology field, it refers to how many dollars my invention could be worth to the U.S. economy.

Someone saying/writing it does not make it true. Still, that word has been ringing in my head lately. Regardless of whether the "B" word is true or not, just knowing there's a possibility that my work could have an impact on the world (or even just on my field)... wow! What an amazing feeling!


At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Jamie said...

wow matt... that's pretty amazing....

Just remember that "I knew you when....."... ;p lol

Hey, I am really proud of you... I always knew you were brilliant... absolutely brilliant!

At 11:37 AM, Blogger Welshie said...


At 3:59 PM, Blogger nellie said...

That's amazing! This could actually (if I understand it correctly from how your mom described it) have a direct effect on the company my dad works for. He works for a public utility(Modesto Irrigation District) in the Central Valley of CA. So interesting...

At 4:55 PM, Blogger MissDe said...

What is your invention?

At 5:51 PM, Blogger Matt said...

nellie, yes, that's definitely a kind of company that would benefit from this. In fact, right now I'm working on sample products for the San Joaquin Valley.

At 6:32 PM, Blogger Matt said...

missde, I'd be happy to tell you all about it in person (or by email) if you're interested.

At 11:03 PM, Blogger MissDe said...

Sounds great!

At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Ramone said...

Wow, like dude your idea is like so brilliant I'm sure the entire world will be on its knees thanking you for all your research into Micoclimatology! Hmmm, I'm still wondering about this so-called private dissertation at Bizzell. I think I will give them a call to see the specifics behind this. Give it up dude! You are a pathetic loser!

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Matt said...

Ramone - The entire world won't be thanking me for anything. They'll have better weather forecasts, but most people probably won't notice that.

The phone number for the OU library is (405) 325-4142. If you're that interested in my work, you should be able to find my journal paper. That's probably available at whatever big library is closest to where you live.

At 1:41 AM, Anonymous Ramone said...

No need to send me the number of the library dear Sir. I unfortunately have it memorized as I worked for several years at Bizzell while in school there. I am just curious as to why I have never heard of an embargoed thesis? Or a "secret" thesis unavailable to the public. I have no doubt that I could find your journal paper - a trip to the library wouldn't even be necessary what with Lexis/Nexis I am just curious as to the validity of this embargoed thesis. Am I under the wrong impression that a dissertation (done at a public university) is meant to expand upon a topic of research in your field that would benefit any and all that desire to read it? In other words, why would it not be placed like the countless thousands before it in the Great Reading Room and/or the Decks? Please correct me if I am an ignoramus.


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