The Independent Variable - Matt Haugland

Monday, July 03, 2006

Homogeneous churches

Why do people try to surround themselves with people who agree with them? I think a great example of this is with church. It seems like everyone tries to find a church where their beliefs and style preferences line up as closely as possible. I think that's crazy.

I'm a very moderate Christian, perhaps even a bit liberal by Oklahoma standards. The church I attend is VERY conservative. I think some of the things they believe are off the deep end, and they probably think some of what I believe is heretical.

But I wouldn't want it any other way. Why would I want a church that agreed with me about everything? I'd hate that. I wouldn't learn much. I'd be complacent. At my church I'm always challenged. They make me feel like it's possible I'm wrong, so I try harder to learn more or make sure I have good reasons for what I believe. If we disagree about something, I can learn from them or maybe they can learn from me.

So why are liberals so afraid of conservative churches and vice-versa? I don't understand. Someone please explain this to me.


At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Jamie said...

I know exactly how you feel.. It's hard for me to find a church that agrees with me anyway, so I haven't really even tried. Heck, I'm suprised that Jason and I believe so closely. I don't know that I could go to a super conservative church though because I would have a problem hearing some of the things. (i.e. the pastor who preached at a child's funeral that the child was going to hell... )

At 11:53 PM, Anonymous Marcian! said...

1 Corinthians 1:10
Titus 3:9-11

At 9:42 AM, Blogger Matt said...

Marcian - that's exactly my point. When Paul said those things, he was talking to the entire Christian community in a particular area. I think unity is more about getting along with people who disagree with you about little things. I don't think it means starting (or finding) a group of people just like you that you agree with about everything -- in fact, I think that's exactly what Paul is telling people NOT to do here.

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Jason said...

I believe in order to find truth, one has to search and be challanged. I feel people should do research on all things before making a decision about what they believe. Too often do people allow other people tell them how to believe. If someone does the research for them selves and allows themselves to be challanged it will strengthen their own character. We all should keep an open mind and allow others to believe the way they feel is right. Mohammad, Jesus, and Buddha all preached love and acceptance. I however would love to find a group of people that have the same general beliefs as I do just to have people that I have somthing in common with. It would get boring though if I were around people that are all like me.

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Matt said...

Jason - very good points. You're right, I think people (in a particular group, church, etc.) should have the same general beliefs. But I think there's lots of room for variations within that. I couldn't agree more about keeping an open mind and allowing others to believe the way they feel is right (i.e., not insisting that they believe exactly the same as we do)

At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Marcian!!! said...

Well, Matt, there is not agreeing about little things, and then there's not agreeing about BIG things. Should we stand idly by and watch someone water down the faith???

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Matt said...

Marcian - Some people are always gonna "water down the faith". That's not really the issue.

If these 'waterers' all stick together in their own churches, and people who agree with you stick together in their own churches, how is that so much better? Is that not "standing idly by"?

I think we should welcome people who don't agree about the "BIG" things. Learn from them. And maybe they'll learn from us too. But we won't learn from each other if we're all confined to our separate 'holy huddles'.

At 2:26 PM, Anonymous Marcian!!! said...


I have a secret.


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